Around 2.2 BILLION tons of ‘man made’ waste are produced globally each year
- Millions of tons of it are incinerated – burned – or dumped each year
- Both Incineration and Landfill are environmentally damaging
- Disposing of waste into the sea is devastating the great oceans and their fragile ecoystems
- Burning fossil fuels for transport emits catastrophic pollution
Humans rely on plants and animals to maintain the planet in a habitable state – not a single one of them relies on mankind

Vacuum Reforming is the environmental cost effective solution leading to ZERO waste – and – ZERO CO2
+ Environmental Hydrogen – eH2™
a true revolution in Waste Management
Towards Zero Waste:
Vacuum Reforming is a hugely fuel flexible technology able to process mixed unsegregated waste from virtually all carbon based waste streams – the process emits nothing harmful to the environment and results in zero waste – an end to land-fill, land-raise, incineration and dumping at sea.
Waste management companies can become ZERO waste – Local authorities can become ZERO waste – businesses the same
Hope Resources
<+44 77 383 64180>

Towards Zero CO2:
The process of Vacuum Reforming happens at negative pressure in an enclosed ‘environment’, no gas or liquid escapes to the environment. The resultant tar free Syngas, composed of Hydrogen & Carbon, is then put through gas separation to deliver Fuel Cell grade Hydrogen and captured CO2.
Syngas has many uses as well as for the production of Hydrogen – methanol & ammonia to name but two
We all make a difference

Vacuum Reforming
A complex problem reduced to practice – simply
It is the process of reverting waste back to its elemental parts, minerals (solids) and gas. The gas, Syngas, is formed primarily of Hydrogen and Carbon
The complexity is being able to do this using mixed, unsegregated waste with zero emissions to the environment and with a zero eventual waste stream.
The solution looks deceptively simple, what takes place inside the unit is highly complex and very effective

Hydrogen from Syngas
Syngas is primarily composed of Hydrogen and Carbon. There are various commercial (and some exciting emerging technologies) for isolating Hydrogen from syngas.
The gas stream produced by the Vacuum Reformer is fed directly through the chosen separation process resulting in Hydrogen to the required purity right up to Fuel Cell grade and captured CO2 which can be put to sequestration or industrial use – CCUS
The remaining mineral element of the waste emerges as a coarse gravel which is an excellent ballast replacement for concrete or brick / block manufacturing. Any metals in the waste emerge with the gravel, are screened out and recycled as valuable scrap
Vacuum Reforming plants can be self powered, they run at negative pressure and relatively mild temperature. The waste delivered to site is processed through the Vacuum Reformer and because of the negative prsssure, there are no emissions to the environment. All the waste is reformed and there is virtually no eventual waste stream. The need for Land fill / Land Raise and incineration is eliminated by Vacuum Reforming. Historic as well as current landfill sites can be removed, extracting Hydrogen for zero emission mass transport as well as static electricity production, and the sites remediated back to their natural environment.
The CO2 that is captured during processing can be used by indusrty or put to CO2 sequestration. CO2 sequestered in this way is CO2 removed from the environment, taken out of the atmosphere by trees & plants on a mass scale.
The economics of Vacuum Reforming ensure there is no requirement for government subsidies and equally no reason why costs to consumers should rise.
The cost of waste disposal to local authorities in landfill / land raise and incineration is huge, millions of ££££s each year – Vacuum Reforming allows for at least a 7% reduction in costs which can be passed on to taxpayers.
The CO2 which is captured is only part of the story, because the displacement of fossil fuels by the produced Hydrogen means CO2 emissions from mass transport are also eliminated. This is a huge permanent Economic, Environmental and Sustainability gain – for everyone
Towards Zero
The Environment is the real winner here. Vacuum Reforming plants can take almost any waste, everything you put in your bin, including the bin itself and it all gets processed without any harmful emissions to the environment and there is no requirement for landfill sites, no need to incinerate and no need to export or dump waste, it is all recyclied into Hydrogen and captured CO2. Hydrogen powers transport, lorries, ships, buses, cars, tractors and JCBs! producing just pure water and a little heat as it’s only emissions.
Eliminating the need for landfill is an environmental imperative and Vacuum Reforming is an excellent way to achieve this, but it can go further, existing landfills can be removed from the landscape by siting Vacuum Reforming plants at the sites and gradually processing the historic waste, all without any harmful emissions to the environment.
+44 77 383 64180
+44 7515 814 337
Hope Resources Ltd
Registered in England & Wales – No: 09143139
377 – 399 London Road
Surrey – GU15 3HL